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NATO naval forces start missile exercise At-Sea-Demo/Formidable Shield.

| 2021

NATO naval forces start the biggest and most complex European air and missile exercise "At-Sea-Demo/Formidable Shield” on Saturday 15, 2021, with ships and aircraft from across NATO defending against a variety of missiles.
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Russian Vyborg Shipyard laid the Purga ice class coastguard ship of project 23550 925 001 Part of the "At-Sea-Demo/Formidable Shield” exercise will see ships detect and track a missile flying at more than 20,000 km/h. (Picture source U.S. DoD)

Led by the US Navy’s Sixth Fleet and using Spanish frigate ESPS Cristóbal Colón as the flagship, in its 2021 edition, the exercise will involve around 3,300 personnel from Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States. This NATO exercise is held primarily at the Hebrides range off Scotland, and also at the Andoya training site off Norway.

Part of the exercise will see ships detect and track a missile flying at more than 20,000 km/h. Ships will also defend against an array of anti-ship and other sub and supersonic missiles using NATO procedures. Allies will share common tactical pictures, conduct joint mission planning and coordinate in shooting down incoming missiles. Surveillance aircraft will monitor the live-fire training.

Three British Navy warships will participate in the "At-Sea-Demo/Formidable Shield” exercise including the HMS Dragon that leads the British Navy’s participation as a dedicated air defense destroyer designed to shield a task group with her Sea Viper missile system. She’s joined by frigates HMS Lancaster and Argyll, whose Sea Ceptor systems also provide shorter range defense against incoming missiles and aircraft.

The highlight for the British Navy will be one of Dragon’s Sea Viper missiles intercepting a Firejet target drone, racing over the Atlantic at more than 400mph but just 20ft above the waves. Other missiles in the Sea Viper family will be fired by other participants, alongside US-made Sea Sparrow and Standard Missiles 2, against a mix of sub and supersonic drone targets.

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