Navy Forces Naval Maritime Defense Security Industry

According to information published by Tass on July 5, 2021, Russia’s Almaz-Antey concern has developed its newest Palma naval anti-aircraft gun-missile (AAGM) system. The presentation of the new weapon took place at the International Maritime Defence Show 2021 held in late June in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

According to a tweet published by the Turkish Ministry of National Defense on July 5, 2021, the Turkish corvette TCG HEYBELİADA conducted passing exercises in the Aegean Sea together with the German frigate FGS LUEBECK and Italian frigate ITS FASAN which are assigned to the Standing NATO Maritime Group Two (SNMG2).

According to information published by Mehr News Agency on June 30, 2021, the "Amaniyat-e Paydar 1400" naval drill which began on 30 June morning in the Caspian Sea, ended successfully the afternoon with a parade of floating naval like the Sina-class fast attack craft IRIS Joshan and aerial units.

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