French Navy Marine Nationale Naval forces vessels ships and equipment

French Navy / Marine Nationale ships and equipment
The Marine Nationale (MN), also known as the French Navy (or La Royale), is the maritime force of the French military.

The Marine Nationale (MN), also known as the French Navy (or La Royale), is the maritime force of the French military.
The French Navy is divided into seven fleets:
- The Atlantic Fleet, based in Brest.
- The Mediterranean Fleet, based in Toulon.
- The Manche (Channel) and North Sea Fleet, based in Cherbourg.
- The Antilles/Guyana Fleet, based in Fort de France.
- The Indian Ocean Fleet, based in Abu Dhabi.
- The Pacific Fleet, based in Papeete.
- The Strategic Oceanic Force, in charge of French ballistic missile submarines.

The Marine Nationale has approximately 100 combat vessels including one nuclear aircraft carrier and ten nuclear powered submarines, plus many more auxiliary and support vessels. It is composed of approximately 37,000 sailors.