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U.S. Green Lights FMS of AN/SPS-77 Sea Giraffe Radar for Philippines Navy Hamilton-class Cutters.

| 2016
Naval Forces New - Philippine
U.S. Green Lights FMS of AN/SPS-77 Sea Giraffe Radar for Philippines Navy Hamilton-class Cutters
The U.S. State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of the Philippines for AN/SPS-77 Sea Giraffe 3D Air Search Radars and related equipment, support, and training. The estimated cost is $25 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale on December 12, 2016.
Indian Navy Il 38SD Maritime Patrol AircraftSaab's Sea Giraffe AMB Radar now called AN/SPS-77 by the U.S. Navy
The Government of the Philippines has requested a possible sale of two (2) AN/SPS-77 Sea Giraffe 3D Air Search Radars, support services, including installation services, operator training, system operational testing, and documentation. The total estimated program cost is $25 million.

The Philippines seeks to increase its Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) capabilities in order to improve monitoring of its vast territorial seas and Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ). An effective Philippine MDA capability strengthens its self-defense capabilities and supports regional stability and U.S. national interests. This sale is consistent with U.S. regional objectives and will further enhance interoperability with the U.S. Navy, build upon a longstanding cooperative effort with the United States, and provide an enhanced capability with a valued partner in a geographic region of critical importance to the U.S. government.
BRP RAMON ALCARAZEx-US Coast Guard Hamilton-class cutter BRP Ramon Alcaraz (PF-16) of the Philippine Navy
The AN/SPS-77 Air Search Radars will be used to provide an enhanced ability to detect and track air contacts. The radars will be installed on two Hamilton-class cutters acquired through the Excess Defense Articles (EDA) program (Known as Gregorio del Pilar class). The Philippines will have no difficulty absorbing this equipment into its armed forces.

The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region. The principal contractor will be VSE and Saab. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.

The Gregorio del Pilar class is a ship class of three frigates currently in service of the Philippine Navy, and are currently the foremost surface combatant of the fleet. These ships were formerly used by the US Coast Guard as Hamilton class high endurance cutters.

The AN/SPS-77 is multi-role medium-range 3D surveillance radar system for naval applications. It provides medium range, simultaneous air and surface surveillance and can be employed in a weapon designation role. The SPS-77 is suitable for demanding naval environments from the littorals to blue-water operations.

To date, the AN/SPS 77 has been installed on LCS 2 (USS Independence), LCS 4 (USS Coronado), and LCS 6 (USS Jackson). Five additional AN/SPS-77 radar systems are in various stages of manufacturing and test to meet LCS construction schedules with four more systems under contract to complete the current deliveries under the LCS Block Buy contract.

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