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Russia Black Sea Fleet 4K44 Utyos coastal missile crew fires live weapon on practice target.

| 2017
Naval Forces News - Russia
Russia Black Sea Fleet 4K44 Utyos coastal missile crew fires live weapon on practice target
The crew of an Utyos (NATO reporting name: SS-C-1B Sepal) stationary coastal defense missile system in Crimea has fired a cruise missile on a sea target as part of the tactical qualifying exam of the separate coastal defense missile brigade of the Russian Navy’s Black Sea Fleet, according to the Russian Defense Ministry’s press office.
Russia Black Sea Fleet 4K44 Utyos coastal missile crew fires live weapon on practice target4K44 Utyos (NATO reporting name: SS-C-1B Sepal) stationary coastal defense missile system in Crimea
"Twenty minutes into the flight, the P-35 [SS-C-3 Styx] cruise missile hit the sea board floating around 170 km out at sea," the news release says.

Over 15 surface combatants and support vessels, Beriev Be-12 (Mail) antisubmarine warfare amphibians, Antonov An-26 (Curl) light airlifters and unmanned aerial vehicles have been furnished by the Black Sea Fleet for closing the area to shipping and for monitoring the results of the fires.

The Utyos protected anti-ship coastal defense missile system is deployed in the mountains 500-600 m above sea level. It is designed to deal with enemy ships by means of upgraded P-35 cruise missiles packing a high-explosive warhead weighing up to 1,000 kg. The Utyos has a range of about 300 km and is effective against naval threats in conjunction with the sophisticated Bastion (SS-C-5 Stooge) and Bal (SS-C- Sennight) coastal defense missile systems that the Black Sea Fleet’s coastal defense brigade has in its inventory as well.

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Russia Black Sea Fleet 4K44 Utyos coastal missile crew fires live weapon on practice target4K44 Utyos (NATO reporting name: SS-C-1B Sepal) stationary coastal defense missile system in Crimea

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