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Admiral Kasatonov frigate completes trials with Russian Northern Fleet.

| 2020

The first serial-produced Project 22350 frigate Admiral Kasatonov has completed its trials with the Northern Fleet, the Defense Ministry’s press office said. The ship is currently sailing to the Baltic Sea, the press office added.

Admiral Kasatonov frigate completes trials with Russian Northern FleetAdmiral Kastanov frigate (Picture source: Russian MoD)

"The trials started on November 20, 2019, and comprised several stages. First, the frigate tested its missile system in the White Sea. It fired a Kalibr [NATO reporting name: SS-N-27 Sizzler] cruise missile against a coastal target set up at the Chizha range in the Arkhangelsk Region [in north Russia] and then Kalibr and Oniks [SS-N-26 Strobile] cruise missiles against seaborne targets," the press office said.

While in the Barents Sea, the frigate conducted artillery live-firing against seaborne and coastal targets, torpedo live-firing against an underwater target and practiced interaction with aircraft and support vessels, namely, underway refueling and towing operations, and some other tasks. After the state trials are completed and the acceptance report is signed, the ship will join the Russian Navy. The Admiral Kasatonov is expected to join one of the Northern Fleet’s surface forces.

The Admiral Kasatonov frigate was developed by the Severnoye Design Bureau and built by the Severnaya Verf Shipyard in St. Petersburg in northwest Russia. In October, the ship performed an inter-fleet passage from the Baltic Sea to the White Sea to complete its sea and state trials. In early December, the frigate performed an inter-base passage from Severodvinsk in north Russia to Severomorsk in northwest Russia.

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