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MBDA Sea Ceptor air defense missile system selected for Canadian Navy Surface Combatant ships.

| 2020

According to a Tweet published by NavyLookout on November 6, 2020, the MBDA Sea Ceptor air defense missile system has been selected for the Canadian Surface Combatant ships. Canadian Navy plans to acquire 15 ships to replace both the retired Iroquois-class Destroyers and the Halifax-class frigates, with an estimated cost of $56-60 billion.
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Russian Vyborg Shipyard laid the Purga ice class coastguard ship of project 23550 925 001 Artist rendering of the new Surface Combatant ship for the Canadian Navy. (Picture source Canadian Navy)

Canada’s defence policy, “Strong, Secure, Engaged” (SSE), has committed to investing in 15 Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC) ships. These ships will be Canada’s major surface component of maritime combat power.

To recapitalize the Royal Canadian Navy's surface combatant fleet by replacing and updating the capabilities found in both the recently retired Iroquois-class destroyers and the multi-role Halifax-class frigates and provide the necessary ammunition, training, support, and infrastructure. The new Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC) will ensure that Canada can continue to monitor and defend its waters and make significant contributions to international naval operations.

The Canadian Surface Combatant contract was signed on 7 February 2019. Lockheed Martin Canada was selected by Irving Shipbuilding and the Government of Canada for the design contract for Canada’s new fleet of surface combatants. The ship will be based on the Type 26 frigate proposed by Lockheed Martin Canada and BAE Systems.

The Canadian Surface Combatant will have a length of 492 ft (150 m) and a displacement of 8,000. The ship will feature advanced anti-submarine warfare capabilities. She will be armed with a 24-cell Mk 41 VLS (Vertical Launch System) for Tomahawk cruise missiles and other long-range strike weapons, a 48-cell silo for Sea Ceptor air defense missiles and a 5-inch naval gun. The flight deck will be able to operate a CH-47 Chinook-sized helicopters.

MBDA Sea Ceptor air defense missile system selected for Canadian Navy Surface Combatant ships 925 002

The Sea Ceptor is new generation of ship-based, all-weather, air defence missile system developed and designed by MBDA. The Weapon System has the capability to intercept and thereby neutralize the full range of current and future threats including combat aircraft and the new generation of supersonic anti-ship missiles. Capable of multiple channels of fire, the system will also counter saturation attacks.

Sea Ceptor will operate from the SYLVER and Mk41 launchers using a quad-pack configuration, various flexible canister configurations are also available. The Soft Vertical Launch technology reduces system mass and eases installation. The missile has a maximum firing range of 25 km.

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