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DSME unveiled the FFX Incheon class Batch II, ROK Navy's future multipurpose frigates.

| 2013
Naval Industry News - South Korea
DSME unveiled the FFX Incheon class Batch II, ROK Navy's future multipurpose frigates
The scale model of the Incheon class frigate Batch II was unveiled by DSME in the 63rd anniversary festival of the Incheon landing operation in the Korean War. Key updates of the Batch II over the ASW-focused Batch I include VLS and full electric propulsion system, as well as a larger hangar that can accomodate a 10-ton helicopter (Batch-I has hangar for lighter helicopters like AW159). About 8 ships of Batch II are going to be built in pairs by DSME until 2018. Some items like the MT30 gas turbine engines for the new propulsion system are already being delivered.
The scale model of the Incheon class frigate Batch II was unveiled by DSME in the 63rd anniversary festival of the Incheon landing operation in the Korean War. Key updates of the Batch II over the ASW-focused Batch I include VLS and full electric propulsion system, as well as a larger hangar that can accomodate a 10-ton helicopter (Batch-I has hangar for lighter helicopters like AW159).
Based on this scale model, Incheon Batch II Frigates will be fitted with a 127mm main gun, a Phalanx CIWS, 16x KVLS cells, Sonata detection system, 3D and 2D radar, tracking radar, EOTS system, Sonata jamming system, MASS, torpedo tubes, 8x antiship launchers.
(Picture: Internet)

It seems like DSME kept in mind growth space for the future evolution of the Batch-II design. They will be able to put in more VLS on the frigate if they need them for Batch III ships, possivly 48 cells in total if 2x16 VLS are placed side by side behind the existing module. Meanwhile, Batch II seems to retain most sensors from Batch I: the AESA surveillance radar, a fire director radar plus EOTS. A mast MFR will eventually replace these piecemeal sensors from Batch III.
The scale model of the Incheon class frigate Batch II was unveiled by DSME in the 63rd anniversary festival of the Incheon landing operation in the Korean War. Key updates of the Batch II over the ASW-focused Batch I include VLS and full electric propulsion system, as well as a larger hangar that can accomodate a 10-ton helicopter (Batch-I has hangar for lighter helicopters like AW159).
DSME unveiled the FFX Incheon class Batch II, ROK Navy's future multipurpose frigates
(Picture: Internet)

LIG Nex1 will provide a range of ship-launched SAMs which will see their first use with FFX Batch II (and with LST-II and MLS-II that use the same sensors as FFX or PKX). There was an opening ceremony of the new missile production facility recently.

The FFX VLS will also be able to employ VLS-launched variants of Haesung-I and Haesung-II series missiles (short-range tactical missile and long-range 'strategic' missile). Lastly, the Red Shark VL-ASROC will be added to Incheon's existing ASW kit.

Link to FFX Incheon Batch I Frigates technical datasheet

Special thanks to "Ambassador" for the heads up and report
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