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Egyptian Navy would be about to order 4 to 6 Gowind Combat Corvettes from DCNS.

| 2014
Naval Industry News - France, Egypt
Egyptian Navy would be about to order 4 to 6 Gowind Combat Corvettes from DCNS
According to French financial newspaper La Tribune, the Egyptian Navy is about to order 4 Gowind class corvettes plus two in option. The corvettes selected by Egypt would be of the "Combat" type as the vessels are set to be fitted by MBDA's VL Mica surface to air and Exocet anti-ship missiles. The Royal Malaysian Navy already selected the Gowind Combat and will get 6 vessels of the type starting around 2020.

According to the French newspaper, DCNS' Gowind was competing against two other designs: The Meko A200 from German company TKMS and the Dutch Sigma design by Damen shipyard.
(Video: DCNS)
According to French financial newspaper La Tribune, the Egyptian Navy is about to order 2 Gowind class corvettes plus two in option. The corvettes selected by Egypt would be of the "Combat" type as the vessels are set to be fitted by MBDA's VL Mica surface to air and Exocet anti-ship missiles. The Royal Malaysian Navy already selected the Gowind Combat and will get 6 vessels of the type starting around 2020.
The Gowind Combat Corvette model at Euronaval 2012
The Gowind "Combat" for Malaysia could almost be considered as a full fledged Frigate because of its length announced at 111 meters and displacement of about 3,000 tons.

Integrated with SETIS, a combat system derived from FREMM, Gowind Combat Corvettes are true light frigates: They can tackle air, surface and submarine threats. The shock-resistant platform (built according to military standards), the small radar cross-section together with an excellent acoustic signature make it a high-performance surface combatant.
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