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US Navy Continues Work on Torpedo Warning System/Countermeasure Anti-Torpedo System.

| 2015
Naval Forces News - USA
US Navy Continues Work on Torpedo Warning System/Countermeasure Anti-Torpedo System
According to Forecast International, the U.S. Navy Surface Ship Torpedo Defense (SSTD) program is developing and fielding six prototype Torpedo Warning System/Countermeasure Anti-Torpedo (TWS/CAT) Engineering Design Model (EDM) systems on CVN ships.
According to Forecast International, the U.S. Navy Surface Ship Torpedo Defense (SSTD) program is developing and fielding six prototype Torpedo Warning System/Countermeasure Anti-Torpedo (TWS/CAT) Engineering Design Model (EDM) systems on CVN ships.
U.S. Navy Illustration
Each prototype consists of one TWS and eight CATs. The six systems were accelerated due to the lack of hard-kill torpedo defense on HVUs which has been exacerbated by recent real-world events and evolving threats.

The systems provide a hard-kill torpedo defense capability in advance of the IOC as part of the program of record. Given how the U.S. Navy is doing more with fewer ships, the value in preserving the platform has risen dramatically.

Funding for this program will drop after 2015 (from $52.7 million) as development switches to platform installation, and from that point onward will remain stable between $26 million to $31 million annually for operational maintenance and upgrades.
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