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Gabonese navy signs contract with PIRIOU for modernized P400 and OPV50 vessels.

| 2014
EURONAVAL 2014 Show Daily - PIRIOU
Gabonese navy signs contract with PIRIOU for modernized P400-class and OPV50 vessels
At Euronaval 2014 exhibition, M. Ernest MPHOUHO EPIGAT, defence minister for the Gabonese Republic, and M. Pascal PIRIOU, chairman and CEO of PIRIOU, yesterday signed in the presence of M. Jean-Yves LE DRIAN, France’s defence minister, a contract to supply two offshore patrol vessels to the Gabonese Navy.
At Euronaval 2014 exhibition, M. Ernest MPHOUHO EPIGAT, defence minister for the Gabonese Republic, and M. Pascal PIRIOU, chairman and CEO of PIRIOU, yesterday signed in the presence of M. Jean-Yves LE DRIAN, France’s defence minister, a contract to supply two offshore patrol vessels to the Gabonese Navy. PIRIOU OPV50 offshore patrol vessel (Pic.: Piriou)
PIRIOU is to deliver in mid-2015, through subsidiary PIRIOU NAVAL SERVICES, a modern 54m patrol vessel of the P400 class. PIRIOU will also deliver in mid-2016 a 58m offshore patrol vessel (OPV50) from the KERSHIP range, the latter being the principal contractor and CHANTIERS PIRIOU undertaking construction. The contract also includes initial crew training, supplied by DCI / NAVFCO.

Pascal Piriou: “This, our first export success in the field of State Action at Sea demonstrates the relevancy of our dual strategy: firstly our alliance with DCNS, in the form of KERSHIP, to provide vessel construction, and secondly our capacity to supply global solutions by providing complementary ship repair and other services through PIRIOU NAVAL SERVICES.

This strategy has allowed the PIRIOU Group to provide an innovative mixture of naval construction and repair, such as the solution tailored to the technical requirements, budgetary considerations and short delivery deadlines specified by the Gabonese Navy.

M. Ernest MPHOUHO EPIGAT, defence minister for the Gabonese Republic: “This procurement of major naval resources is part of the on-going strategy envisaged by our Head of State to update and reinforce the capacity of our defence and security forces. It will allow us to protect and secure our coastal borders.”

KERSHIP is to entrust the construction of the OPV50 to CHANTIERS PIRIOU, a subsidiary of the PIRIOU Group specializing in ship construction and based in Concarneau (France).

Offshore patrol vessel OPV50 is a versatile 58-metre ship developed by KERSHIP to undertake various missions related to State Action at Sea. OPV50's major innovations and features include very versatile design that facilitates reorganization to suit the mission; large bridge with 360° view; rapid deployment/retrieval ramp for 2 launches (7 m RHIBs); range of 5,000 nautical miles and excellent sea-keeping qualities.

At Euronaval 2014 exhibition, M. Ernest MPHOUHO EPIGAT, defence minister for the Gabonese Republic, and M. Pascal PIRIOU, chairman and CEO of PIRIOU, yesterday signed in the presence of M. Jean-Yves LE DRIAN, France’s defence minister, a contract to supply two offshore patrol vessels to the Gabonese Navy.
P400 class 54m patrol vessel being modernized by Piriou Naval Services (Pic.: Piriou)
In December 2013 PIRIOU NAVAL SERVICES (PNS), a subsidiary of the PIRIOU Group specializing in ship repair and based in Concarneau (France), acquired from the French Navy Navy a 54-metre patrol vessel of the P400 class, the Tapageuse. Subsequently, PNS began the comprehensive modernization of the patrol ship “on stock” with a view to offering her up for sale to a national military navy looking for a readily available and economical solution.

Modernization of the vessel includes both propulsion system; generator sets; new secondary engine room equipment (osmosis unit, oily water separator, and pumps for the fire-fighting system, air-conditioning plant, provision refrigerating plant, fixed extinguishing system, etc.); quarters of the crew and special personnel; weapon systems and navigation and communication electronics.

The patrol ship will be delivered to the Gabonese Navy in mid-2015 and given a new name. Capable of maintaining high speeds in rough seas, its has an extensive operating range and a large cargo capacity, including accommodation for 18 passengers. Its large stern deck is ideal for vertical replenishment and carrying cargo. Shipboard weaponry is suitable for patrol and surveillance missions.

Initial crew training will be provided in France for both ships, one session per ship, before they sail for Gabon (in total, training for approximately 50 persons). Provided by the DCI/NAVFCO, the training programme includes navigation, safety, operations, and equipment deployment.

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