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MBDA' Sea Venom/Anti-Navire Leger (ANL) Antiship Missile Testing Well On Track.

| 2016
EURONAVAL 2016 Online Show Daily - MBDA Sea Venom ANL
MBDA' Sea Venom/Anti-Navire Leger (ANL) Antiship Missile Testing Well On Track
Testing of Sea Venom/Anti-Navire Leger (ANL) anti-ship missile (a key UK-French program) is well on track, Navy Recognition learned from European missile company MBDA. The first jettison test of the missile from a DGA (French defense procurement agency) helicopter took place in December 2015 in Cazaux. We were told that the first live test firing should take place "in a few months" while full development of the missile is expected to be completed in 2018.
Testing of Sea Venom/Anti-Navire Leger (ANL) anti-ship missile (a key UK-French program) is well on track, Navy Recognition learned from European missile company MBDA. The first jettison test of the missile from a DGA (French defense procurement agency) helicopter took place in December 2015 in Cazaux. We were told that the first live test firing should take place "in a few months" while full development of the missile is expected to be completed in 2018.
MBDA Sea Venom ANL missile fitted on DGA's test helicopter. Picture: DGA
Sea Venom is a high subsonic, sea skimming missile with a range of 20 Km designed for high lethal effect on littoral units (such as FACs and corvettes). The missile is effective against land based coastal targets as well. It is capable of several attack modes including "pop up / top attack".

In this program, Sagem provides the IR seeker, Roxel the engine (while the booster is the same as on the Brimstone missile), Thales the radio altimeter and Eurenco the warhead.

MBDA is developing the Sea Venom / ANL to meet the requirements of the British and French navies for a future helicopter-launched anti-ship missile. Weighing around 100kg, this missile will replace two other anti-ship missiles within the MBDA product portfolio. Sea Skua is used on the UK Royal Navy’s Lynx and on the Sea King, Lynx and AB212 helicopters of seven other countries, including the navies of Germany, Brazil, Malaysia, Kuwait, Turkey and South Korea. The AS15TT is used on the Panther helicopter operated by Middle Eastern forces. FASGW(H)/ANL will equip the Royal Navy’s AW159 Lynx Wildcat helicopters and the French Navy’s helicopters (a choice for integration on NH90 NFH or Panther is expected soon).
Testing of Sea Venom/Anti-Navire Leger (ANL) anti-ship missile (a key UK-French program) is well on track, Navy Recognition learned from European missile company MBDA. The first jettison test of the missile from a DGA (French defense procurement agency) helicopter took place in December 2015 in Cazaux. We were told that the first live test firing should take place "in a few months" while full development of the missile is expected to be completed in 2018.
MBDA Sea Venom ANL missile. Picture: DGA
Suitable for both blue water and cluttered littoral operations, FASGW(H)/ANL represents a major advance on the generation of missiles which it will replace from a technological standpoint. This new system provides very precise effects against a wide range of threats even in complex environments thus satisfying a recognised and common future need. A high speed two-way data-link communicates the images, “seen” by the missile’s seeker, to the operator. Therefore, in addition to initiating an autonomous engagement, the operator can also monitor the action or even remain in control of the missile throughout the full duration of its flight.
Testing of Sea Venom/Anti-Navire Leger (ANL) anti-ship missile (a key UK-French program) is well on track, Navy Recognition learned from European missile company MBDA. The first jettison test of the missile from a DGA (French defense procurement agency) helicopter took place in December 2015 in Cazaux. We were told that the first live test firing should take place "in a few months" while full development of the missile is expected to be completed in 2018.
Sea Venom ANL jettison firing. Picture: MBDA

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