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First Centaur Fast Assault Craft Launched for Ukrainian Navy.

| 2018

The first Centaur (Centaur-LK) fast assault craft was launched on 14 September, 2018 at 'Kuznya on Rybalsky' plant (formerly known as Lenin's Forge) in Kiev, Ukraine. This first of two vessels on order for the Ukrainian Navy was fully designed and built in Ukraine.

First Centaur Fast Assault Craft Launched for Ukrainian Navy Launch of the first Centaur Fast Assault Craft for the Ukrainian Navy. Kiev, 14.09 .2018 (с) Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

Ukrainian Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov and Commander of the Ukrainian Navy Admiral Igor Voronchenko attended the launch.

The fast assault craft (FAC) was developed by the state enterprise "Research and Design Center of Shipbuilding" (GP "IPPC") in the city of Nikolaev in 2015 under the leadership of Chief Designer S. Krivko. (he took part in the design of the armored boats "Gyurza", "Lan" and "TT400TP", project 58250 corvettes). The characteristics of the FAC were adopted by the Ukrainian Defense Ministry to create a series of special-purpose boats.

The Centaur was created from a clean sheet, taking into account the experience of design and operation of the line of armored boats "Gyurza" and "Gyurza-M", in comparison with which the "Centaur" should have expanded functionality for special tasks. The aggravation of the situation in the area of ​​Mariupol (on the Sea of ​​Azov) made its own specific adjustments to the characteristics of the project. The design features several bulletproof area (pilothouse, engine compartment, landing compartment).

Stepan Poltorak, Modern boats will strengthen combat capabilities of the Ukrainian Navy Stepan Poltorak, Modern boats will strengthen combat capabilities of the Ukrainian Navy Stepan Poltorak, Modern boats will strengthen combat capabilities of the Ukrainian Navy Stepan Poltorak, Modern boats will strengthen combat capabilities of the Ukrainian Navy Stepan Poltorak, Modern boats will strengthen combat capabilities of the Ukrainian Navy Stepan Poltorak, Modern boats will strengthen combat capabilities of the Ukrainian Navy Stepan Poltorak, Modern boats will strengthen combat capabilities of the Ukrainian Navy Stepan Poltorak, Modern boats will strengthen combat capabilities of the Ukrainian Navy Stepan Poltorak, Modern boats will strengthen combat capabilities of the Ukrainian Navy

Minister of Defence of Ukraine General of the Army of Ukraine Stepan Poltorak stressed it during an official ceremony of launch of Centaur boat ordered by the defence ministry: "National industry responds to military threats. Over the past two years PJSC Kuznia Na Rybalskomu has constructed and transferred the Ukrainian Navy six armoured artillery boats. They have been already executing assigned tasks. We are increasing our strength. Today we have a new victory. We launch the first Kentavr boat, Stepan Poltorak said." According to the Minister, modern boats will strengthen combat capabilities of the Ukrainian Navy and the priority is to construct modern ships and boats, special boats and support vessels.

First Centaur Fast Assault Craft Launched for Ukrainian Navy 2 Launch of the first Centaur Fast Assault Craft for the Ukrainian Navy. Kiev, 14.09 .2018 (с) Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

The first two Centaur FAC were laid at PJSC "Leninskaya Kuznya Plant" (since 2017 - PJSC "Kuzn'a na Rybalskom") on December 28, 2016 (factory numbers 01032 and 01033). Then the construction of the boats was delayed because of issues with the delivery terms of the imported water-jet propulsors.

Main characteristics of Centuar FAC:
Displacement: 47 tons (full)
Length, greatest: 24.3 m
Width: 4.8 m (highest)
Draft: 1.0 m (maximum)
Autonomy 5 days
Crew 5 people
Maximum speed: up to 50 knots
Range: at least 500 miles (at a speed of 11 knots)
Landing capacity: up to 32 people

Two water jet produced by Hamilton Jet (New Zealand), originally plan called for the Swedish installation.

The armament of the basic version of the boat can be changed at the request of the customer and can include:

2 combat modules consisting of a machine gun (7.62 or 12.7 mm) and automatic grenade launcher (30 or 40 mm NATO standard);
2 MLRS launchers with unguided rockets S-8;
Radar Furuno DRS4D-NXT;
satellite terminal Iridium Pilot, which allows to simultaneously provide up to three independent communication lines and constant connection to the data transmission network with the speed up to 134 kbit / s;
means of staging interference and false targets (in the optical, IR and RL bands);
sea ​​mines.
The transported contingent is a platoon of marines with standard small arms, which will allow organizing a platoon stronghold on the shore. In total the landing can be up to 32 people.
Crew - 5 people.

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