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Navy of Singapore has conducted operational tests with its Mine Countermeasure Unmanned Surface Vessel.

| 2021

According to information published by the Strait Times on July 21, 2021, the Navy of Singapore has conducted operational tests with the Mine Countermeasure Unmanned Surface Vessel used to neutralize sea mines.
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Russian Vyborg Shipyard laid the Purga ice class coastguard ship of project 23550 925 001 Singapore Navy Mine Countermeasure Unmanned Surface Vessel. (Picture source Singapore Navy)

Two unmanned surface vessels were used to neutralize an underwater target in waters off the Southern Islands. These vessels were equipped with K-STER C vehicle designed and manufactured by the French company ECA. It is loaded in a canister that is mounted on the USV.

The Mine Countermeasure Unmanned Surface Vessel is designed to keep the sea lanes clear of underwater threats. With two variants, these USVs can be deployed to scan the seabed or dispose of underwater threats.

The K-STER C vehicle is a lightweight expendable mine disposal vehicle dedicated to underwater mine warfare missions. This MIDS solution allows to remotely neutralize a sea mine while keeping crews out of the minefield. The user-friendly command and control software offers auto-piloting functions and allows to conduct the operation in a safe way from deployment to the final firing. 

Designed with a tiltable shape charge, the K-STER can neutralize all kinds of mines from sea bottom mines, floating mines, historical mines to the smartest mines. Its unique propulsion architecture allows it to stand strong water currents and approach the mine to its closest. Safety characteristics include insensitive ammunition & multi-pole safety interlocks until the final firing 

Navy of Singapore has conducted opeartional test with its Mine Countermeasure Unmanned Surface Vessel 925 002
The K-STER expendable mine disposal system is loaded on a canister that is mounted on the unmanned surface vessel. (Sngapore Navy)

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