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Russia Navy aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov to leave dry dock in 10 days.

| 2023

According to information published by Tass on February 7, 2023, Russia’s only Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier is scheduled to leave the dry dock on February 16-17.
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Russian Vyborg Shipyard laid the Purga ice class coastguard ship of project 23550 925 001 Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov. (Picture source: bmpd)

The aircraft carrier entered the dry dock last May, and work to repair and modernize it was launched in June. USC CEO Alexey Rakhmanov said earlier that the heavy aircraft cruiser would be commissioned in early 2024 after a major overhaul.

About the aircraft carrier

Admiral Flota Sovetskogo Soyuza Kuznetsov is a unique aircraft carrier, designed as a "heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser" (TAVKR) to support and defend strategic missile-carrying submarines, surface ships, and naval missile-carrying aircraft of the Russian Navy.

Its main fixed-wing aircraft is the multi-role Sukhoi Su-33 and it also carries the Kamov Ka-27 and Kamov Ka-27S helicopters for anti-submarine warfare, search and rescue, and small transport.

Admiral Kuznetsov has a ski-jump at the end of its bow for take-off of fixed-wing aircraft, which results in a lower acceleration but clearance speed of only 120-140 km/h.

The ship's armament includes 12 long-range surface-to-surface anti-ship cruise missiles, giving it a "heavy aircraft-carrying missile cruiser" type designator.

Unlike most western naval ships that use gas turbines or nuclear power, Admiral Kuznetsov is conventionally powered and uses mazut as a fuel, which often leads to a visible trail of heavy black smoke.

The Russian naval officials have stated that failure to properly preheat the fuel prior to entering the combustion chamber may contribute to the heavy smoke trail.

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