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Over 1,000 cadets to practice maritime skills onboard two Russian Navy training ships in 2018.

| 2018

Russian naval cadets will practice maritime skills onboard two training ships in 2018, Russian Navy Chief Navigation Officer Rear-Admiral Eduard Luyk said.

Russian Navy Smolny class training ship PerekopRussian Navy Smolny-class training ship Perekop. Picture by twitter user @Unyakov_BTR_T

"In 2018, naval cadets will practice maritime skills onboard two training ships for the first time. The talk is about the ships Perekop and Smolny," he said.

According to him, the ships were repaired from 2010 to 2016 and will be used to train cadets of higher naval colleges, the Nakhimov Naval School and the Kronstadt Sea Cadet Corps.

"More than 1,000 naval cadets will practice maritime skills onboard these ships before the end of 2018," Luyk said.

"Reserve naval cadets are planned to practice maritime activities as well," he added.

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Three Smolnyy or Smol'nyy (Russian Смольный) class training ships were built for the Soviet Navy in the late 1970s. The Soviet designation was Project 887. Two ships are operated by the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy.

Smolnyy (Смольный) was launched in 1976, commissioned in 1977. Perekop (Перекоп) was commissioned in 1978. Both are still in service. Khasan (Хасан)was commissioned in 1980, retired in 1999 and scrapped.

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