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Russian Navy to receive two Project 20380 and four Project 20385 corvettes between 2024 and 2028.

| 2020

According to information published by the Russian press agency TASS on December 23, 2020, the Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD) signed a contract with the Amur Shipyard (ASZ, a subsidiary of the United Shipbuilding Corporation, USC) for Project 20380 and Project 20385 corvettes.
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Russian Vyborg Shipyard laid the Purga ice class coastguard ship of project 23550 925 001Corvettes the RFS 333 Sovershennyy, a Steregushchy Class(project 20380) & the RFS 337 Gremyashchiy, an Improved Steregushchiy Class(project 20385). (Picture source Twitter account Capt(N))

“Under the contract, the Pacific Fleet is to receive two Project 20380 and four Project 20385 corvettes between 2024 and 2028,” said the MoD in a press release.

During his visit to ASZ in August, Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu announced probable contracts with the enterprise for six corvettes to be signed before the end of the year. At the Army 2020 defense show, the Russian MoD said the contracts for Project 20380 and Project 20385 corvettes with the ASZ and the Northern Shipyard (a subsidiary of USC).

The ASZ now builds a series of four Project 20380 corvettes (factory numbers 2101 — 2104), of which two, Soversheniy and Gromkiy, have already been delivered to the Pacific Fleet, one, Hero of the Russian Federation Aldar Tsydenzhapov, is passing through trials, and one, Rezkiy, is set to be delivered in 2021.

The Aldar Tsydenzhapov and Rezkiy corvettes are constructed under the upgraded Project 20380 and feature the Zaslon multifunctional radar. All the Project 20380 of the new series will also carry the Zaslon. The ASZ also constructs four Project 22800 Karakurt-class corvettes, namely, Rzhev, Udomlya, Pavlovsk, and Ussuriysk.

The Project 20385 corvettes Gremyashchiy and Provorniy being built at the Northern Shipyard (a subsidiary of USC) are also intended for the Pacific Fleet. The Gremyashchiy has completed its state trials and will be commissioned to the Navy on 25 December. The Provorniy is set to be delivered to the Navy in 2021. The Pacific Fleet will receive a total of 12 corvettes, including six Project 20380 and six Project 20385, by 2028. The new corvettes will enhance the Navy’s capabilities to detect and destroy surface and underwater combatants and to protect naval bases, shore, and sea routes. Then ships will also increase the fleet’s capacities to conduct strikes by high-precision weapons.

The Pacific Fleet now has now surface carriers of the Kalibr missiles. However, by 2028 the formation will receive a batch of Kalibr-armed ships that comprises six Project 20385 corvettes, no less than four Project 22800 corvettes, and the upgraded Project 1155M frigate Marshal Shaposhnikov. The Project 636.3 diesel-electric submarines are also capable of firing the Kalibr, and a series of six such platforms is being built for the Pacific Fleet. Two underwater combatants, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy and Volkhov, have already been delivered to the Navy, but they have yet to arrive to the fleet. By 2028, the Pacific Flet will also receive the upgraded Project 949AM Irkutsk and Chelyabinsk nuclear attack submarines (SSGN), as well as several Kalibr-armed Project 885M Yasen-M-class SSGNs. The Project 1155 large anti-submarine warfare ship Admiral Vinogradov will also receive the Kalibr during its modernization.

Moreover, the Pacific Fleet may receive Project 22350 frigates being built by the Northern Shipyard.

Once the Zircon hypersonic missile is officially adopted by the military, all carriers of the Kalibr will be capable of firing the new weapon.

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