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GRSE delivers fourth Kamorta-class ASW corvette to Indian Navy.

| 2020

Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Ltd., (GRSE), delivered 4th and last Kamorta-class (also called as P-28 class) ASW corvette “INS Kavaratti” to Indian Navy on 18 February 2020. The warship is the 104th warship built and delivered by the GRSE and is the last in the series of Anti-Submarine Warfare Corvettes (ASWC).

GRSE delivers fourth Kamorta class ASW corvette to Indian Navy 925 001 INS Kavaratti (P31) is an anti-submarine warfare corvette (Picture source: Twitter)

The first three ships of the series -- INS Kamorta, INS Kadmatt and INS Kiltan -- were delivered earlier, and form an integral part of Eastern Fleet of the Indian Navy, the GRSE official said.

The corvettes, designed as an extremely versatile ASW platform capable of neutralising enemy submarines with indigenous weapons like torpedoes and rocket launchers -- are equally effective in the littorals and deep oceans, the official said.

Kavaratti has an overall length of 109.2 m and displaces 3,150 tonnes at full load. It has an endurance of over 3400 nautical miles at 18-knot speed and can accommodate 17 officers and 106 sailors.

Its weapon systems include an Oto Melara 76/62 Super Rapid Main Gun, improved versions of the Russian RBU-6000 anti-submarine rocket launchers, and DTA-53 533 mm twin torpedo tubes.

Kavaratti and INS Kiltan are the first two major warships in the country to have the unique feature of the superstructure made of carbon fibre composite material.

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