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HHI wins contract to build Korean FFX Batch-III frigate for ROK Navy.

| 2020

South Korean shipbuilder Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) has won an order for the latest frigate of the Republic of Korea Navy (ROK Navy). HHI signed a 400 billion contract with the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) for detailed design and construction of the 3,500-ton FFX Batch III frigate.

HHI wins contract to build Korean FFX Batch III frigate for ROK Navy 925 001 Artist rendering of ton FFX Batch III frigate (Picture source: Hyundai Heavy Industries)

The vessel is the first of six 3,500-tonne frigates planned to be delivered to ROK Navy. The contract covers detailed designed work and construction of the first-of-class.

According to HHI, the frigate will feature a four-sided fixed multi-function phased array radar capable of 360-degree omnidirectional detection, tracking and engagement. The unit will have a hybrid propulsion system design to avoid submarine's detection. It will also be able to operate at high speeds using gas turbine in case of emergency, the shipbuilder added

The FFX programme is intended to replace the ageing fleet of Ulsan Class frigates and Pohang Class corvettes with next-generation multimission frigates. The new frigates will be equipped with anti-air defence and helicopter landing capabilities.

The vessel will have an overall length of 129 m and a width of 15 m. It will feature a hybrid electric and gas propulsion system and can attain a maximum speed of 30 kt.

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