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Pictures of Chinese next-generation frigate Type 054X are circulating in Chinese social media.

| 2020

These last days, Chinese social media accounts have released pictures of China’s next-generation frigate. The Type 054A's successor is referred to asType 054X..
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Chinas next generation frigate are circulating in Chinese social media 925 000 Rendering of China’s next-generation frigate Type 054X (Picture source: Chinese Internet)

As seen from the pictures, Type 054X has been fitted with new radars, one of which was seen on the Type 909A weapon trials ship recently and one eight-tube HQ-10 CIWS missile launcher on top of the hangars.

Compared to the Type 054A frigates, it has an H/PJ-12(Type 730 30mm gun) CIWS at the bow and an additional VLS located amidships. It has an extra 16 VLS cells and hangars for 2 helicopters as opposed to one in the 054A.

The 054X is also likely to have improvements in speed, range, subsystems and endurance compared to the 054A.

Chinas next generation frigate are circulating in Chinese social media 925 001 Rendering of China’s next-generation frigate Type 054X (Picture source: Chinese Internet)

About the Type 054A frigate

The Type 054A frigate is a class of Chinese multi-role frigates, the first of which entered service with the People's Liberation Army Navy Surface Force in 2007. It is a development of the Type 054 frigate, using the same hull but with improved sensors and weapons. This ship has a crew of 165 sailors including officers.

The Type 54A is equipped with 32 vertical launcher systems able to fire the HQ-16 medium-range air defence missiles and anti-submarine missiles, 2x4 C-803 anti-ship/land-attack cruise missiles and two Type 730 seven-barrel 30 mm Close-in Weapon Systems (CIWS) guns, 2x3 324mm Yu-7ASW torpedo launchers, 2x6 Type 97 240mm anti-submarine rocket launchers and 2 Type 726-4 18-tube decoy rocket launchers.

The stern helicopter deck features a single landing spot for supporting the missions of a medium-size helicopter. The helideck is fitted with helicopter handling system and can accommodate a Kamov Ka-28 Helix or a Harbin Z-9C helicopter.

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