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China's PLAN Modified Type 039B SSK (Type 039C ?) Continues Trials at Sea.

| 2015
Naval Forces News - China
China's PLAN Modified Type 039B SSK (Type 039C ?) Continues Trials at Sea
Chinese spotters have published pictures showing People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN or Chinese Navy) newly modified Type 039B diesel electric submarine (SSK), sometimes reffered as Type 039C, continuing sea trials. So far, three so called Type 039C have been spotted.
Chinese spotters have published pictures showing People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN or Chinese Navy) newly modified Type 039B diesel electric submarine (SSK), sometimes reffered as Type 039C, continuing sea trials. So far, three so called Type 039C have been spotted.
Modified Type 039B/039C coming back from sea trials. This is the third and last one to date. Note the three white line. note the roots of the sail characteristic to this type.
The PLAN has conducted small step modifications throughout the Yuan-class Type 039A program (of all variants). The first four Type 039 SSKs are different from each other other for example. Four major variant are known: Type 039A (based on the older Type 039), Type 039AG, Type 039B and the modified 039B/039C.

The last three in the series belong to this type: It first emmerged in December 2013. The notable differences are a modified hull and redesigned conning tower with extrusion at the root of the conning tower in both the bow and stern direction, similar to that of conning tower of Virginia-class or Barracuda-class submarines. This modification to their sail should allow a better hydraulic flow thus better acoustic performance and lower emited noise. On one of the three modified Type 039B/039C there are three white lines at the top of edge of the conning tower on both sides, presumably for environmental sensors.
Chinese posters have published pictures showing People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN or Chinese Navy) newly modified Type 039B diesel electric submarine (SSK), sometimes reffered as Type 039C, continuing sea trials. So far, three so called Type 039C have been spotted.
The first two modified Type 039B (Type 039C ?) moored side by side. No white lines but note the roots of the sail characteristic to this type (and not present on "regular" Type 039B).
Export variants submarines based on the Type 039A have been recently proposed for export to Pakistan (S20P) and Thailand (S20T).

Modified Type 039B/039C are likely fitted with Yu-6 torpedo, YJ-82 ((YingJi-82 or Eagle/Hawk-82) anti-ship missiles and maybe the new YJ-18B (YingJi-18 or Eagle/Hawk-18) supersonic anti-ship missile.
Type 039B left and Modified Type 039B/039C right. Note the differences at the base of the sail
Type 039B left and Modified Type 039B/039C right. Note the differences at the base of the sail
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