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Myanmar First Two Home-Built 49 meter Fast Attack Craft (FAC-M) Delivered to the Navy.

| 2015
Naval Forces News - Myanmar
Myanmar First Two Home-Built 49 meter Fast Attack Craft (FAC-M) Delivered to the Navy
The first two (of a planned series of 10) Fast Attack Craft Missile (FAC-M) vessels have been delivered to Myanmar's Navy for sea trials. The 49 meter vessel class is indigenously desgined but is fitted with Russian and Chinese weapon and sensor systems.
The first two (of a planned series of 10) Fast Attack Craft Missile (FAC-M) vessels have been delivered to Myanmar's Navy for sea trials. The 49 meter vessel class is indigenously desgined but is fitted with Russian and Chinese weapon and sensor systems.
The first two (of a planned series of 10) Fast Attack Craft Missile (FAC-M) vessels have been delivered to Myanmar's Navy for sea trials. The 49 meter vessel class is indigenously desgined but is fitted with Russian and Chinese weapon and sensor systems.
Myanmar Navy new 49 meter FAC-M
The first ship of the class was completed in 2013 and the second one in 2014. The vessels are fitted with 4x C-802 anti-ship missiles from China and a Russian AK630 with a stealth cupola (these weapon mounts could be produced in China too).

Two quad anti-aircraft guns (which appear to be based on the Russian ZU-23 or Chinese Type 85) are fitted at the rear of the main bridge.
The first two (of a planned series of 10) Fast Attack Craft Missile (FAC-M) vessels have been delivered to Myanmar's Navy for sea trials. The 49 meter vessel class is indigenously desgined but is fitted with Russian and Chinese weapon and sensor systems.
The first two (of a planned series of 10) Fast Attack Craft Missile (FAC-M) vessels have been delivered to Myanmar's Navy for sea trials. The 49 meter vessel class is indigenously desgined but is fitted with Russian and Chinese weapon and sensor systems.
Detailed views: Myanmar Navy new 49 meter FAC-M
Several sensors are fitted on top of the bridge including a Furuno navigation radar, an air surveillance radar, a surface search radar, a fire control radar (for the CIWS gun) and at the top end of a mast what looks like an ESM system. Two boxes of an unknown decoy system seems to be fitted on top of the bridge.
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