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MADEX 2017: LIG Nex1 PKX-B 130mm Guided Rocket Launcher to Counter Swarm Attacks.

| 2017
MADEX 2017 / Marine Week 2017 - Show News
MADEX 2017: LIG Nex1 PKX-B 130mm Guided Rocket Launcher to Counter Swarm Attacks
At MADEX 2017, the International Maritime Defense Industry Exhibition currently held in Busan, South Korea, LIG Nex1 and Hanwha are showcasing for the first time in public the 130mm guided rocket launcher of the Republic of Korea Navy (ROK Navy) PKX-B.
130mm guided rocket LIG NEX1 MADEX 2017 news 1130mm guided rocket launcher at MADEX 2017
Hanwha is in charge of the launcher and its control unit while LIG Nex1 designed the rocket. Both companies cooperated with South Korea's agency for defense development (ADD). The system was specifically design to counter swarming attacks of DPRK Navy (North Korea) fast attack crafts and hovercrafts.
130mm guided rocket LIG NEX1 MADEX 2017 news 2130mm guided rocket on LIG Nex1 stand at MADEX 2017
Talking to Navy Recognition at MADEX 2017, a LIG Nex1 representative (and former ROK Navy captain) explained that this launcher combined with the 130mm guided rocket gives precision strike capability to the ROK Navy small surface combatants.

The launcher has 12 canister each containing one guided rocket. The 130mm rocket has a maximum range of over 20 Km and minimum range of 3 Km. The rocket weighs over 80 Kg (including the 8Kg warhead).

The mid course guidance of the rocket is GPS + INS + data uplink and the terminal guidance is IIR homing. The system fitted aboard the PKX-B can engage over 3 targets simultaneously according to LIG Nex1.
130mm guided rocket LIG NEX1 MADEX 2017 news 3Concept of operation: 130mm rocket aboard PKX-B. LIG Nex1 image.
The PKX-B Batch I class is a 200-ton high-speed fast attack craft that replaces the aging Chamsuri-class of patrol vessels. The vessel is 44.7 meters in length. Its speed is 35 to 40 knots. It is powered by GE 6,000 shp LM 500 gas-turbine and Caterpillar Marine's Cat C32 diesel engines in a combined diesel and gas (CODAG) configuration.

Weapons include the 130mm guided rockets launcher at the stern by LIG Nex1, a 76mm gun by Hyundai Wia, K-6 remote fire control system, and Korean combat management system. Reflecting the lessons learned from the 1st and 2nd Yeonpyeong naval battle, DAPA and ROK Navy strengthened the firepower, accuracy, and survivability of these vessels. Crew complement is 20 sailors.
Lead ships of PKX-B Batch I. Picture: DAPALead ships of PKX-B Batch I. Picture: DAPA
South Korea's Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) has announced that it has entered into a contract with South Korean shipbuilder Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction (HHIC) on June 28 for the construction of additional 'B' variants of the Patrol Killer Experimental (PKX) fast attack craft.

The 5th to 8th ships are scheduled to be delivered to the Republic of Korea Navy (ROK Navy) by 2020 after three to four months of trials. In the meantime, the lead (No. 1) PKX-B will be commissioned in the ROK Navy by the end of this year. It was launched on 28 July at HHIC's shipyard in Busan in July 2016. The 2nd to 4th ships will be delivered to the ROK Navy by the end of 2019 .

The contract for ships 9th to 12th Boat will be awarded in early 2018 in order to stimulate the recent slowdown in the Korean shipbuilding industry.
Video coverage of LIG Nex1 130mm Guided Rocket at MADEX 2017

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