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Balt Military Expo 2018: KTA Unveils Combat System of Future Type 212CD Submarine.

| 2018

At Balt Military Expo 2018, the naval defense exhibition held recently in Gdansk, Poland, KTA Naval Systems was showcasing for the first time two consoles with the combat system of the future Type 212CD submarines for the German and Norwegian navies. KTA Naval Systems is a joint venture company formed between Germany’s thyssenkrupp, its subsidiary Atlas Elektronik and Norway’s Kongsberg.Kongsberg.

Balt Military Expo 2018 KTA Unveils Combat System of Future Type 212CD SubmarineThe TKMS booth at Balt Military Expo featured two notional consoles. Picture: Navy Recognition.

According to KTA Naval Systems, the combat system for the Type 212CD will be extraordinarily advanced. This unique and highly integrated system brings an unprecedented technology level to conventional submarine operation. It offers the functionality of interoperability between multifunction consoles from setup to engagement. The combat system will ensure the situational awarness of its operators and command.

The TKMS booth at Balt Military Expo featured two notional consoles running a demonstration of what the future human–machine interface (HMI) will look like. Company representatives stressed that the end product may be different as KTA is still working on the combat system in collaboration with the German and Norwegian navies. The consoles each featured a single large touchscreen placed vertically. We were told that each submarine would fitted with 10 to 12 consoles.

According to TKMS, the Type 212CD will combine the low signatures of the class 212A with extended range, speed and endurance to allow worldwide operations.

Our video coverage on Type 212CD and its future CMS at Balt Military Expo 2018

The future combat management  system designed by KTA naval systems will feature a common approach: Each operator will be able to access any application from any of the multi-function consoles. The system will run on a common network and server infrastructure and support virtualized processing.

According to KTA Naval System, the Type 212CD combat system will support the following functions: Situation awarness, track management, target motion analysis, weapon control, combat system overview, classification and recording / replay.

The CMS will be compatible with:
- Underwater Sensor Systems (Cylindrical or conformal hydrophone array, passive range sonar, intercept sonar, expanded flank array sonar, towed array sonnar, active operating sonar/mine detection system, own noise monitoring system).
- Above water sensors (Radar ESM, COMMS ESM, IFF, Optronic/optronic or persiscope/optronic combinations, 360° visual sensor, navigation/tactical radar, Link 11/16/22).
- Integrated communication systems (VLF, HF, VHF, UHF, SATCOM, buoyant wire antenna, GMDSS including INMARSAT-C, underwarter telephone, tactical and administrative internal communication).
- Navigation system (INS, EM-log, ECDIS, navigator radar, echo sounder, GPS, AIS, navigation data management center).
- Armament (Heavyweight torpedoes, long range missiles and medium range missiles [fitted for but not with]).


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