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Israel Shipyards Shaldag-class FPB family at Euronaval 2018.

| 2018

Israel Shipyards Ltd., a leading shipbuilding and repair company for the naval and commercial marine markets, highlights its advanced solutions for seaborne interdiction and prevention of terrorist and illegal activities for the military, law enforcement and HLS, at EURONAVAL 2018. Among other vessels, Israel Shipyards is showcasing its family of SHALDAG Fast Patrol Craft

Israel Shipyards Shaldag class FPB family at Euronaval 2018 001 A model of Israel Shipyards's Shaldag Mk V Fast Patrol Boat at Euronaval 2018

The company is presenting two models of the Fast Patrol Craft (FPC) family – the SHALDAG MK II and SHALDAG MK V. Both FPCs are made of aluminum and driven by water jet, with a speed of above 40 knots even in rough seas. They provide outstanding maneuverability and minimal draft, enabling operation in shallow waters.

The SHALDAG MK II is designed for coastal protection as well as for rivers, while the SHALDAG MK V is, among other things, designed for Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) protection missions.

One of the ISL vessels currently in highest demand, the SHALDAG FPB was designed in the late 1990s, integrating valuable improvements created by Israeli defense experts in response to real-life security challenges. Operators of the Shaldag-class FPB include the Israeli Sea Corps, Azerbaijani Navy, Sri Lanka Navy and Nigerian Navy.

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