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Euronaval Online 2020: Rafael presents its combat proven Protector USV Unmanned Surface Vessel.

| 2020

At Euronaval Online 2020, a virtual edition of the International naval defense and maritime security industry that takes place from 19 to 25 October 2020, Israeli company Rafael presents its combat-proven unmanned Integrated Naval Combat System Protector USV (Unmanned Surface Vessel) able to perform a variety of naval and security missions.

SAAB exhibits products and solutions for maritime defense IMDEX 2019 925 001Rafael Protector USV Unmanned Surface Vessel armed with Spike guided missile (Picture source Rafael)

Originally designed for Maritime Security and Force Protection Missions the PROTECTOR can also carry a new variety of modules enabling it to perform naval dominance roles such as Precision Strikes and EW missions.

The PROTECTOR ® USV is based on a unique platform designed for high robustness and survivability. The design incorporates complete redundancy of sailing functions to provide a “never stranded at sea” policy.

The Rafael USV Protector is based on a 9-meter (30-foot) rigid-hulled inflatable boat. This USV is stealthy, fast, and highly maneuverable. The vessel's low profile upper structure is sealed and aerodynamic, and its modular platform design allows it to be reconfigured to meet changing mission requirements, such as force protection, anti-terror, surveillance and reconnaissance, mine and electronic warfare. The hull is a deep V-shaped planing hull, with the inflatable section providing stability and endurance. A single diesel engine drives water jets, allowing speeds of 50 knots (92.6 km/h; 57.5 mph).

The PROTECTOR®USV core systems include a comprehensive, mature, Sensor Suite and Command & Control System, providing extensive situational awareness as well as elaborate mission planning and execution capabilities. The sensor suite includes radar, Toplite electro-optical director, and an all-around 360º navigation camera. This suite provides day/ night detection, identification and tracking of targets and obstacles.

The system’s Command & Control provides real-time video and feedback from the sea as well as elaborate remote control over USV maneuvering and mission module operation. The system can be incorporated in a wider defense array via an open interface to an external C4I system.

The security payload includes the Mini-Typhoon Stabilized Weapon Station for up to 0.5” caliber guns, a high-pressure Water Cannon System, and auxiliary sensors. The stabilized Mini-Typhoon includes fire control capabilities, yielding excellent shooting accuracy. The Water Cannon system provides less-lethal engagement at close range as well as firefighting capabilities. A stabilized Spike missile launching system may alternatively be integrated to provide, remote, precise strike capability.

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