Navy Forces Naval Maritime Defense Security Industry

According to a tweet published by Turkish Century on July 29, 2023, Dr. Haluk Gorgun, SSB President, revealed Turkey is discussing exporting a drone carrier ship like TCG Anadolu to an unnamed Gulf nation, with potential buyers being Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, and Kuwait.

In the wake of former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan exactly one year ago on August 2, 2022, China has significantly intensified its military drills aimed at containing the island, according to images taken by drones and expert analysis like Asia.nikkei.

On 21 July 2023, the 11th Marine Regiment established the first battery of long-range missiles. In response to the challenges posed by China in the Indo-Pacific region, the United States Marine Corps unveiled the strategic plan "Force Design 2030" in March 2020. The plan aimed to return to the fundamentals that earned the Marine Corps its reputation, particularly during World War II, and shift away from counter-insurgency operations and occasional interventions, as seen in the past three or four decades.

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